John Lincoln


Charlotte, North Carolina

CoreFocus Consulting | 704-650-9571 |

“Bring your talents to life.”

Travel Distance: Anywhere where people are. I also do virtual coaching and workshops.

Industry: Any that involves people

Specialty | Focus: Executive, team, individual, couples and family strengths coaching and team building; individual and team conflict mitigation

Professional: John holds a degree in Psychology, numerous leadership certificates, has held senior leadership positions in financial services, utilities, customer experience and consulting and has a broad mix of skills and expertise honed over the course of his career. John believes that authenticity and being our best selves begin with understanding who we truly are wired to be. From there we can focus on what matters most - the things that stimulate our passion and create goodness in the world.

Why I Love What I Do: I'm a natural storyteller, and I help you find, tell and live the story of your most authentic, natural and brilliant self. I live and love this work.

I see this work as a 3-legged stool. Each leg is equally important for you and can only bring you its greatest value with the other 2 legs.

The first leg is the CliftonStrengths assessment that provides you with data about your natural talents.

The second leg is CoreClarity, providing an understandable, relatable, memorable and actionable analysis of your assessment results. CoreClarity amplifies the data provided by CliftonStrengths.

And the third leg is my part, providing you with deep and highly-personalized understanding, and helping you develop real-world tools and strategies to maximize your potential in the areas that matter to you most.

Up Close & Personal: John goes at everything he does with passion and determination. From becoming a champion figure-skater to storytelling with Molly Ringwald and being broadcast around the world, to becoming a leading expert in the field of customer experience to becoming a passionate strengths coach for individuals and teams, John is a Force of Nature who sees potential in everything. An avid animal lover, John and his partner Frank share many laughs with Henry, their tiny and playful pooch, Pooter the cat, Jagger the chameleon, Cloris the tortoise and Igor, BabyBird, Jazzman and Cai, their parrots. By the way, you'll frequently see John sitting on the ground anywhere saying hi to people's pets. "It's all about connecting," John says.

If you'd like to listen to John’s Moth Radio Hour story, click this link:

CertifiedRyan Selking