No two teams are the same. Your team has unique roles, challenges, and goals. Through tailored group workshops available virtually or in-person, we’ll help your team capitalize on their collective talents to build trust, increase effective collaboration, and drive results so all can flourish - each individual and your organization.
No two organizations are the same. Your organization has unique needs, mission, and culture. Certify one (or several) of your employees through our Train-the-Trainer program to maximize your impact by having certified facilitators on the inside.
No two people are the same. You have unique patterns of thought, feeling, and behavior based on your talents, as well as your own set of skills, knowledge, and experiences. Through customized one-on-one coaching sessions with your certified coach, they’ll meet you where you’re at, and help you get to where you want to go.
Have you found yourself wishing you were a more confident, engaging, or impactful speaker? Whether it’s on stage in front of hundreds of people, or simply in a weekly team meeting with your staff, presenting with professionalism and passion is a requirement for today’s audiences. You must build both competence and confidence to make your message come alive. Led by world-class professional speech coach, Gary Rifkin, our Chief Learning Officer, this in-person or virtual session can be delivered as a keynote, a workshop for your team, or a 1-on-1 coaching session where you’ll learn how to:
Deliver in a way that is centered on the audience instead of on you.
Create dynamic openings and action-oriented closings that help the audience focus on what's important.
Design powerful stories and activities that anchor and reinforce your message using techniques that allow for optimal application.