Gary Runn


Austin, Texas

512-800-4141 |

“Leadership is not about titles, positions, or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another.” - John Maxwell

Travel Distance: Anywhere

Specialty | Focus: Leadership Development, Facilitation, Coaching, Strategic Thinking and Planning, and Teams

Professional: I unleash leaders who are worthy of being followed. I have a BS degree in Finance from the University of Alabama, an MBA degree from the University of Alabama, a Master of Divinity degree with honors from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and a doctoral degree in Servant Leadership for Team and Organizational Effectiveness from Bethel University. I have led teams and developed leaders around the world. I have created, taught, and facilitated multifaceted leadership development programs and venues in the U.S., Europe, Asia, Oceania, The Middle East, and Latin America. I have worked with for profit and non-profit entities.

Why I Love What I Do: CoreClarity allows me to shine a light on the leadership potential in every person. By helping emerging leaders and current leaders discover who they are at their core, I believe people can lead more competently and confidently. CoreClarity provides a strong foundation for robust engagement to help every person launch, grow, and sustain their leadership potential.

Up Close & Personal: I am avid fan of the Alabama Crimson Tide! I am an explorer at heart. I am also a runner, cyclist, and a very average golfer. I love to go on long hikes with my family and find a great vista. I am married to an amazing woman named Carrie who is a voracious reader, possesses a keen sense of humor, a strategic leader, and the glue to our household. I have two adult children; Courtney and Davis—and one very needy golden retriever named Cappuccino.

CertifiedRyan Selking