Scotty Moore


Orlando, Florida

Scotty | 407-575-4992 |

“Change seldom occurs until the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change.” - Ford Taylor

Travel Distance: Anywhere

Industry: Coaching / Consulting, Construction, Education, Energy / Utilities, Faith-based, Financial, Government, Gasoline / Convenience, Health Care, Insurance, Technology

Specialty | Focus: Brazil, Executives, Teams, Conflict Resolution, Start Ups, Turnarounds, Acceleration, Marriage Help

Professional: I am like a corporate eye doctor, I help businesses and executives focus on their vision while leading the people and managing the process. I work with the client to provide practical tools and pathways for increased clarity and success.

Why I Love What I Do: Discovering my talents had a significant impact on me personally and helped me focus in on my purpose. I am passionate in helping others understand the same.

Up Close & Personal: Lived in Brazil, speak Portuguese and English, project manager of multiple home projects, planted more than 40 trees at my home, love the beach and the tropics, travel

CertifiedRyan Selking