Sean Hamon


Richmond, Virginia

Sean Hamon | 804-938-9364 |

“A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are made for.” - William G.T. Shedd

Travel Distance: Anywhere, I enjoy traveling!

Industry: Non-profit, Church/Religious, Small Business

Specialty | Focus: Strategic planning, Organizational Structure, Employee placement and development, Building Teams, Coaching, Financial Management

Professional: I am a proven relationship builder specializing in small businesses and religious institutions with exceptional skills in strategic thinking, catalytic leadership, creation and implementation of systems, building significance, achieving goals and financial management. Practitioner of and strong believer in experiential education as a means to bring people groups together and create cohesive vision, purpose and shared values. I am eager to see and ask the big picture questions that bring long term clarity.

Why I Love What I Do: CoreClarity allows me to point others toward a common language enabling better communication, clearer outcomes, and a more mission-centric team.

Up Close & Personal: Avid outdoor person, bicycler, gardener, musician, woodworker, wanna-be farmer. I thrive on a challenge.

CertifiedRyan Selking