Mariana Marko


Richmond, Virginia

804-349-5570 |

Travel Distance: Anywhere - I love to travel!

Industry: Nonprofit, Private Industry, Education & Government

Specialty | Focus: Building High Performance Teams, Coaching, Leader Development, Shaping Organizational Culture

Professional: For 26 years, commitment to coaching individuals and organizations into their potential has benefited clients in the corporate, non-profit and government sectors. Through training, facilitation and coaching I have shown leaders how to develop strong teams, navigate change, manage conflict, identify strategic initiatives and craft organizational culture that is aligned with their mission, vision and values. The result? Increased employee engagement, reduced turnover, greater trust and commitment between employees and leaders – and a more robust bottom line.

Why I Love What I Do: I believe that we were each created different in order to make a difference in this world. CoreClarity provides the foundation on which I can encourage others to grow, recognizing and honoring their uniqueness and developing their talents into strengths. I am passionate about enabling others to tap into their full potential and discover their possibilities, be their best and make a difference.

Up Close & Personal: On my list of favorite things - making an impact in the lives of others, encouraging change and growth, connecting with people, mobilizing teams and seeing others live into their strengths. The list is not complete unless I add a sparkly beverage, singing at the top of my lungs when I’m alone in the car, laughter with friends and time with family.

CertifiedRyan Selking