Kimberly Rutigliano


Dallas, Texas

214-768-1022 |

“As to methods there may be a million and then some, but principles are few. The man who grasps principles can successfully select his own methods. The man who tries methods, ignoring principles, is sure to have trouble.” Harrington Emmerson

Travel Distance: Negotiable

Industry: Education

Specialty | Focus: Team building, workplace groups, non-profit boards, educators

Professional: Kimberly Rutigliano is the Managing Director of Global and Online education at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. She has more than 20 years of professional experience in education, spanning from early childhood development through adult lifelong learning. In addition to being the senior MSDS program administrator, she is an adjunct professor, speaker and corporate trainer.

Dr. Rutigliano holds a BA degree from Southern Methodist University in psychology and Spanish and a dual international MBA from Texas Tech University and La Universidad Anahuac (Mexico City, Norte). She graduated with her doctorate in higher education (EdD) in 2018. Her academic research focuses on how interpersonal relationships and communications impact learning and organizational outcomes.

Why I Love What I Do: I absolutely love taking people through the CoreClarity material because I know that they will leave knowing more about themselves and their unique gifts and talents. It’s a life-changing experience showing others how their talents are working for and against them in their personal and professional lives.

Up Close & Personal: Kimberly is the mother of 2, a bilingual professional who has lived and worked in Mexico, the former chair of the board of directors for Feed Lake Highlands, an Adjunct Professor and follower of Jesus Christ.

CertifiedRyan Selking