Eric J. Weis, Ph.D.


Arlington, Virginia

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OAS | 845-500-1232 | | Blog

“When you know yourself, you are empowered. When you accept yourself, you are invincible.” – Tina Lifford

Travel Distance: Unlimited (expenses must be covered)

Industry: Government agencies, Executive Education, Military, High Risk/Consequence Teams and First Responders, Families/Relationships, Business, Non-profit, Education

Specialty | Focus: Organizational Development & Effectiveness, Executive Education, Executive Coaching, Change Management, Team Building

Professional: For nearly 30 years, I have dedicated myself to growth and development of leaders. From professions related to high-risk/high-consequence environments to Executive Education, I have made it my personal mission to lead, train, and inspire individuals and teams (from the direct- through strategic-level of organizations) for the complex challenges of the 21st century landscape. My unusual personal and professional background has allowed me to engage with a wide variety of client ages, gender, and cultures – and I still get excited about opportunities to learn more!

Why I Love What I Do: I often share a story about a professional, at the top of his or her game, who failed at a crucial moment when they leveraged the right talents, but focused them on the wrong targets. I believe that CoreClarity provides that crucial self-awareness, not only to help facilitate our own personal growth but to also better understand how to optimize the talents of those in our sphere of influence!

Up Close & Personal: I used to jump out of perfectly good airplanes for a living!

CertifiedRyan Selking