Jille Dorler


Austin, Texas

310-617-8788 jille@pathwaysandpursuits.com

“The distinction between the past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.”

Travel Distance: Anywhere nationally or via phone/Zoom

Industry: Coaching / Consulting, Education, Faith-based, Health Care

Specialty | Focus: Faith-based discipling; career prep/consulting; strengths awareness consulting

Professional: My career has been in the healthcare as a Licensed Physical Therapist in private practice, but my hobby has always been to study people-how they think, why they act certain ways, and how we are affected by life in the broadest to smallest of ways. Studying personality inventories of all kinds has always been a part of how I spend my time.

CoreClarity has been the most satisfying and gratifying of them all. And now I use it to help people of all ages to match their strengths with their career paths, with their joy, and with their calling as a Christ follower.

Why I Love What I Do: I love how excited people get when they feel informed or affirmed as they learn their particular talents. Seeing people connect the dots, develop a plan about their future, and/or begin to see how our differences create the need for community and draw us all together energizes me and brings authentic joy to my heart.

Up Close & Personal: Tennis enthusiast, volleyball hack, Hiking guru; Physics lover (I know, right?); child of God

Details: I am happy to connect with people individually, in small family or friend groups, in person, by phone, or Zoom.

CertifiedBekah Selking