Register by Friday, July 29, 2022 to receive $1,000 off.
Registration closes Friday, August 12, 2022.
Facilitator prep work, including an intro coaching call, begins Monday, August 29, 2022.
The virtual Personal Discovery Workshop will be required on Sept 12, 14, and 16 from 12:30pm - 2:00pm ET
In-person class is September 19-22, 2022:
Monday through Wednesday, 8:30am-5:30pm ET
Thursday, 8:30am-1:00pm ET
Each day will have several breaks
COVID-19 Note:
We will continue to monitor recommendations and guidelines in the months leading up to the training. We will modify the in-person event experience or switch to a virtual event to accommodate health precautions and physical distancing protocol at that time.
Course Cancellation Policy:
Due to the highly customized and interactive nature of FQI, a minimum number of participants is essential to ensure an optimal learning experience. CoreClarity reserv11es the right to cancel any FQI that does not reach the minimum number of participants one month prior to the scheduled start date of the program and will notify all registered participants of the cancellation at that time. We encourage participants to plan their travel accordingly, as CoreClarity is not responsible for reimbursement of travel expenses in the event a program is cancelled.